Academy Lunches
The Academy operates a healthy eating policy.
At lunchtime we encourage students to have an Academy meal. These are cooked on site and are nutritionally balanced and always offer a choice. Menus are available in the main office.
Alternatively student may bring a packed lunch. Please note that students are not allowed to bring sweets into the Academy at any time in line with the healthy eating policy. Students should bring plain water to drink during the day in labelled bottles. These should be taken home and refilled each day.
Click here to see our academy lunch menus for Terms 3 & 4, 2024.
Applying for Free School Meals
Did you know that your child could qualify for free school meals? If your child is eligible it means they can enjoy delicious, healthy meals without the bills and the fuss of making packed lunches. Many children at our Academy are already eating free school meals, and your child may be able to have them too. There is nothing healthier for your child and your family’s budget than free school meals. As professional cooks prepare meals for your child, it saves you having to worry about the effort and expense of making packed lunches every day.
Your child may be entitled to receive free school meals if you are entitled to receive one of the following:
- Income Support (IS)
- Income based Jobseeker’s Allowance (IBJSA)
- An Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA(IR))
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Child Tax Credit (provided that you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income, assessed by HM Revenue and Customs, that from 6 April 2009 does not exceed £16,190).
Children registered for free school meals will also receive help with:
- The future purchase of the school uniform
- The cost of school trips
To apply, please follow this link: Online FSM Application
Before Registering please note the following:
When registering you will need to choose a username unique to your family and have an email address.
The applicant must be the parent named on the benefit documentation as these will be used to establish whether or not you are eligible. Most fields are optional but you must provide a National Insurance Number OR a National Asylum Seeker Number.