
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Attendance and Punctuality

Good attendance and punctuality are essential if you are to succeed at the Academy and in later life. In fact, research shows that there is a direct link between good attendance and academic progress and achievement.

It is absolutely vital that children are in school every day in order to maximise their learning. Any days missed will have a detrimental effect on children's learning. For further information on this, please click here to see how low attendance relates to underachievement and here to see how we can help you.

There is a weekly prize for the class with the highest attendance and termly awards are also given.

Please support us in maximising your child's potential by ensuring your child is in school whenever possible, days missed can soon add up to a significant chunk of time being missed. 

Arrival and departure from school

It’s essential that your child arrives promptly at the academy because the day starts off with the teacher explaining the day’s learning to the class. Any child arriving more than 5 minutes after these times will be recorded as arriving late. If, for any reason, your child is late, please escort them to the academy reception office and inform the office staff of their arrival and the reason for their lateness. It is better to come late than not to come at all. Any child arriving after 9:30 am will be recorded as an unauthorised absence unless an acceptable reason is given.

Children in morning nursery classes should arrive by 8.40am and by 12.30pm for afternoon classes.

Children attending the Resource Base should arrive at the Resource Base entrance by 9.00am.

The school gates for children in Years R-6 are open between 8.45 and 9.00am. Registers close at 9.05 and it is important that children are in school promptly ready to start work by this time.