
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Oasis’ ethos is based on an overarching theme of Inclusion; welcoming, encouraging and enabling all to achieve their best whatever the challenges may be in doing so.

The Academy is committed to helping all students to flourish regardless of their specific needs. We believe that every person matters and it is our responsibility to do everything in our power to ensure that every student realises their potential. 

If a student has special educational needs (SEND), the Academy will take every reasonable step to identify and meet them. 

In line with the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice 0 - 25 (2015) these children are placed on the Academy’s SEND register. Their progress is closely monitored and reviewed at regular intervals. Individual Pathways Plans may be written for children with Special Educational Needs and are reviewed with Parents/Carers at Parents/Carers’ Evenings or by arrangement. If necessary the Academy is able to access many support agencies in order to help meet their needs.

ICT (Information Communication Technology) is used to support all students, including those with learning difficulties, in accessing the curriculum.

Who can I talk to at Long Cross about SEND?

Our SENCo is Mrs Rachel Barry. You can contact her either via the Academy address or by telephone or email.

Tel: 0117 9030333

She is available to talk to about any issues you may have regarding to the care and education of your child, including whether they may have a special education need, whether their needs are being met or anything in their learning plans.

To find out more about the overall Oasis Community Learning approach to equality, please click here.

If you would like more information about the help and support available across Bristol for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities please visit the Local Authority website which can be accessed here.